Monday, September 1, 2008

For the month of September.......

If you join my team in the month of September this is what you will get:
-We will give you 25,000 leads
-We will put you in our rotator
-We will give you a 4 step system to get everything all set up and going
-We will give you numerous ways to advertise your new business for FREE or very low cost!
-We will show you how you can work just 1-2 hours per day, consistently, and make a monthly income that surpasses your j-o-b
-We will show you how to make autopilot residual income so that even when you aren't working IT IS!
-For every person that you get to join under you, or one of your downline members, you will be entered into a contest to win one of these great prizes:

-Your GDI url submitted to 1 Million sites
-Your GDI url will get 1,000 visitors
-Your GDI ad will be mailed to 5,000 people interested in a home business

There will be 5 of each prize awarded for the entire month of September & REMEMBER- each new downline member you get signed up under you or one of your downline will get you a new entry into the contest.
So, join NOW and start telling people. There isn't a better time, or a better team, to join and start making money at home!
Join NOW!

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